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"A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth."

(Isaiah 42:3)

Gentle care Seminars

Helping you gain insight
into healing of the wounds of the heart through prayer.

Live streamed as scheduled at

& Resources
Gentle Care Basic Prayer Process



  1. Awareness of God's Presence

  2. Acknowledging the Problems

  3. Acceptance of the Truth

  4. Action





Upcoming Events



Because of current restrictions related to the pandemic, all ministry, teaching and prayer meetings are being held online only until further notice.  Please see the calendar for details.​​

Verse for Today



He [the Lord God] will feed His flock like a shepherd;
He will gather the lambs with His arm,
And carry them in His bosom,
And gently lead those who are with young.

(Isaiah 40:11 NKJV)



Premise for
Gentle Care
Prayer Ministry

1.  God wants to communicate with us.

2.  We can have two way communication with God.

3.  There are sometimes blocks in our communication and connection with God, because of sin and brokenness in our own lives and in the world around us.

4.  Sin, brokenness and its effects can be cleared from our lives by the power of Christ and our lives restored through God's gentle care.


 "A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench;  He will bring forth justice for truth."  (Isaiah 42:3)


Basic Approach


This approach to prayer ministry is drawn from years of experience and practice, using various ways to minister inner healing to wounded people through prayer, is Biblically based, and dependent on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to bring freedom.  Regardless of the approach used in the ministry time, Gentle Care Prayer Ministry recognizes, teaches, and builds on a common foundation that all effective prayer ministry is based on:

1.  Direct Connection with God:  Release, healing, freedom from the things that bind a person comes from a direct encounter and experience with the Living God.
2.  Present Issues Began in the Past:  The source and origin of today's problems have their root in hurtful experiences from the past, which have produced inner wounding, from which one developed unhelpful (even sinful) ways of thinking, believing, behaving, which continue to be problematic in the present.

3.  Living from Lies is the Problem:  The lies that one is believing about self, life, and others need to be identified, repented of, renounced, so that they stop driving the person's life and keeping him or her in bondage.
4.  Knowing God's Truth is the Solution:  The truth needs to be received directly from the true God Himself, to be fully set free from the lies one has believed.
5.  Life Transformation:  The person needs to walk out the truths they have received from God, in their daily life, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and as they do this, their lives will be transformed.


All ministry is done with a focus on identifying where the Holy Spirit is at work in or with the participant, cooperating with His work of healing and transformation in their lives, interacting with the participant in line with God's way of responding to the wounded with His gentle care.

Gentle Care
Discipleship and Seminars

There are two parts to Gentle Care Ministry: 

  1. Prayer Ministry Sessions

  2. Teaching and Training


Gentle Care Bible Studies assist you in understanding the Bible and how it applies to your life, while recognizing how woundedness has impacted on your ability to understand God, Scripture and spiritual life, taking into account the need for healing from the wounds of your heart, and correcting false filters which came from hurtful experiences and misinformation.  This is a process of becoming a disciple (follower and learner) of Jesus, in a way that connects with where you really live your life, heals your hurts, and helps you to develop a positive experience of God and spiritual life, as you get to know God for real.


Gentle Care Seminar Series provides information on various topics related to prayer, healing, specific personal and relational issues, and spiritual life.   These seminars are done as online webinars and as in person half or full day workshops, as scheduled.


There is also training provided online and in person to learn how to minister to others using the Gentle Care Prayer Ministry approach.


Other Courses and Groups addressing various issues in more detail are available and scheduled as needed and developed.


Check out the calendar on this website for information on when and where seminars, webinars or courses are offered.  Or, contact us for personal prayer ministry, or to book Carolyn to come to your location to give a presentation or training.

Gentle Care Ministry Online

Gentle Care Ministry Facebook 

- Information, announcements, discussion.


Gentle Care Ministry Webinars

- As scheduled.  See calendar.


Gentle Care Christian Community:  Chatroom on Paltalk 

Join our chatroom on Paltalk for encouragement, fellowship, online Bible studies, workshops and training, prayer ministry, worship.  See calendar for days and times.


Gentle Care Ministry YouTube Channel

- Teaching, encouraging and praise and worship videos


Gentle Care Ministry Blog with helpful articles and information


Sounds of Life Podcast 

- Teaching and encouraging audio podcasts, many free to listen and download, some recordings available for purchase.   (Gentle Care Prayer Ministry training mp3 audio files available for purchase and download from this site.)

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